The Squeaking Tribe

Smelt of the Underwolde – Oddling Marionette


Along with his best friend, Dolldrum, Smelt is one of the Bottomfeeder Brothers, a rather-large albino oddling living among in the Underwolde who has jointly attracted a certain notoreity for cleverness and wry thinking,along with an unusual disregard for authority. He enjoys a quiet fascination for the written word and the poetry of language, though makes little use of his affinity with it bar the composition of small sonnets, personal observations and cryptic puzzles which he collects in a humble diary. Despite his efforts to fly under the radar of Underwolder politiks, these eccentric attibutes are destined to bring adventure to his door-step.

The Land of Odd: A mystical experience in World-building!

Meet the Oddlings, a deliberate tribute to the humble Podlings developed by Brian Froud for “The Dark Crystal”. Normally a grassroots clan dressed generically in the umbers and ochres of the earth, our redeveloped Oddlings embrace a much wider palette of colour and textiles in their costuming and adopt a wide range of vibrant skin tones quite at odds with the earthy hues of their originators. Much of our collected jewellery and specialty off-cuts have found a home here, lending every one its own unique individuality. With just a few moments browsing, you will see the diversity of character distinct in each beautiful marionette and the world-building potential we are only beginning to cultivate.

Marionette in doll form is approximately 25cm in height or 60cm when strung.


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