The Squeaking Tribe

Wednesday Adams Cosplay Doll – Marionette Puppet


Cosplay Dolls – The rise of cosplay over recent years has of course been a real inspiration for us as puppetmakers. Incorporating equal parts costuming and role-play, it exhibits the same fantasy-inspired creativity we embrace when crafting our marionettes. More than that, it is another active example in the world of the creative expression and play we inspire ourselves, which is never a terrible contribution.

In our new range of Cosplay Dolls, Sara and I delight in creating puppets of people dressing like puppets! In this way, we get to explore another interpretation of an iconic character from today’s popular culture of genre influences and a new iteration designs we have explored previously. It is also an exciting opportunity to straddle the bridge between corporate IP products made to exploit a fan-base and the the passion and ingenuity expressed by the fans themselves.

The designs represented here are the first in a series and as such are very specific one-offs which have not been repeated. Each one exhibits their own unique personality through the costume they have adopted. And in keeping with the gender fluidity of the day and the generations embracing it, they make perfect androgynous vessels for whoever chooses to give one a forever-home…

Kudos to the creators, wherever you may be!

Marionette in doll form is approximately 25cm in height or 60cm when strung.

Pop Culture: Fan favourites and familiar faces with a Squeaky twist!

Although it’s wonderful to see people embrace our personal designs, the fact that there are so, so many incredible characters already existent in the world isn’t something we can ignore. Identities from the entertainment industry have joined the ranks of classic storybook icons and the melting-pot that is Culture today has never seemed so dynamic and varied. Much of the work displayed here has eventuated from an old custom request which found immediate favour with a wider audience and so become a part of the Squeaking Tribe’s ongoing range. Our interpretation of them comes from a space of respect and quiet awe, a tribute to the visionaries who dreamt them into being. While the original idea may not be ours, we labour to bring a little of our own personal flourishes to the design to make the puppet an individual all its own.


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