The Squeaking Tribe

Zebracorn Marionette Puppet


Unicorns (and Zebracorns)

In the world of Fantastic Beasts, perhaps the most fabulous of all is the Unicorn. Originally, a dangerous creature of wild magic, it could only be tamed by the soft touch of a virgin. Nowadays, however, it appears everywhere across children’s kitsch clothing and cutesy-poo product endorsement to bumper sticker artworks and satirical internet memes. In its essence, the Unicorn of course remains a thing of magical promise heralded in our best fantasies.

For us at the Tribe, the Unicorn is one of our cutest designs and an original stringing technique, developed by Sara, which saw the advent of all our four-legged animal designs take shape. The idea itself sprung, as if by magic, while she collected spiral shells on a beach in Northern Australia; to this day, we continue to collect our Unicorn horns from such tropical shores.

Doll-form approx 15cm tall or
as Marionettes 60cm hanging.

The Menagerie: The Animal Kingdom comes alive!

Side-stepping my preoccupation with humanoid marionettes, Sara has designed and constructed a beautiful array of creatures drawn straight from Mother Nature. Feathered avians and shaggy-furred beasties stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their reptilian cousins and aquatic counterparts in a colourful tribute to the natural world, both real and imagined. These creatures make the perfect canvas for Sara’s meticulous painting and would make the perfect interactive addition to the home of any animal lover. Lions, tigers, bears… O my!


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